Actor & Voiceover Artist

Stuart Sessions is an actor and voiceover artist who started young, took 20 year diversions into the armed forces, overseas emergency relief work and the charity world before finally returning to his first love: acting.
Having smashed the role of Paulina in Shakespeare’s “Winter’s Tale” at the age of 14 in an original practice production, the theatre bug bit and has never been cured.
Stuart is an experienced screen actor with credits including high profile TV commercials, features and corporate work.
Because of his background, he is highly experienced with weapons and very comfortable with military roles and situations; he is a linguist with fluent Nepali, working French and a Euro B2.2 level of German.
He is a highly skilled fencer, specialising in epee and a former British Army Champion; he is a highly skilled downhill and touring skier, swims very well and has taught close combat. He is stage combat qualified.